Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Broccoli to plant for the Cabbage Whites

Early spring in Central Virginia and I am seeing Sulphurs and Cabbage Whites almost every day. I bought some broccoli to plant in the garden to try to attract some Whites to raise this year. I may plant some cabbage also. This would be a new venture for me, but I've read it is easy to raise the Whites. And if there are some vegetables left, that would be good for the humans, too!
I now have seen two Tiger Swallowtails flying. This has been a cool and rainy spring, so I am hoping to see some Black Swallowtails soon.


dolphin princess said...

that is awesome i don't think i've ever seen a tiger swallowtail!!!

Social Butterflies said...

If anyone wishes, I can email you a photo of a Tiger Swallowtail. They are very beautiful, large and colorful. In the summer, as they nectar on my butterfly bush, I can pick them up from behind! I've also raised some of them. The caterpillars are very interesting, too.