Friday, October 23, 2009

Social Butterflies' last monarch!

My last raised Monarch of 2009 finally emerged today. I will release it in two days when the sun returns and it is a bit warmer. I don't have any more tags left to tag it, but I will wish it adios and good luck on its journey to Mexico. I have conducted numerous Monarch tagging classes this fall and they are becoming more popular with library patrons, school children, and anyone who is interested in Monarch migration. I also gave a program at the Association For Butterflies symposium last weekend on migration and the attendees were able to tag their own Monarchs. Since it was chilly and overcast, I sent them south with one of the directors of the Association to release them where it was warmer. I collected common milkweed seeds yesterday in the field. It will be about 6 more months before I'll start raising Monarchs again.