Wednesday, April 22, 2009

First swallowtails of 2009

About a week ago, when it was warmer, I saw two Tiger Swallowtails in the yard. These were the first ones of the season and it was a foretaste of things to come! Also, as I walked into our garage, there was a newly-emerged Black Swallowtail, trying out his wings and getting ready to fly. He must have overwintered someplace hidden in the garage, out of sight. I helped him by taking him out to the rapidly-growing fennel and placing him on it. A few days later, I again saw him circling the flower area. At least there are flowers blooming now, including the lilac and candytuft.

I haven't seen the common milkweed yet, because it's been too cool. We're due for a few warm days, and I hope this will help the milkweed. I can then start raising monarchs.

I do have some Painted ladies that I've been raising in cups. Some will be used in a memorial service butterfly release this weekend.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Celebrate The First National Butterfly Awareness Day!

The Association For Butterflies announces the first National Butterfly Awareness Day June 6, 2009. This day is set aside for all people throughout the United States to celebrate butterflies. "Social Butterflies" will be releasing butterflies in Charlottesville, VA. We encourage people to not only release butterflies, but to consider planting a butterfly garden to help attract these beautiful insects. Students may want to release some at their graduation ceremonies. Studies of a butterfly's lifecycle will be encouraged. We want to make people more aware of butterflies and their importance as pollinators. Besides bees, butterflies are the next best pollinators, and as we know, we need pollinators if we like to eat! Releasing butterflies is a sound ecological way to help increase the population during the warm months. Celebrate nature's most beautiful creature on June 6, 2009. Tell your friends about National Butterfly Awareness Day.